Four Simple Steps:
Learn how our solutions have helped Businesses in Calgary, Red Deer, and Sylvan Lake, that are just like yours, below.
We make technology easy. We will work with you to help you make informed technology decisions that will impact your business bottom line. A company we recently worked with boosted sales by 350% while cutting sales operating expenses by 50% after implementing our recommended sales software stack.
Next Step resells premium fibre optic internet from all the major incumbents. You get the best solution for your company, but none of the hassles when it comes to customer service. One of our clients had us look at their current Internet bill and we were able to quote them a price that reduced their bill by over 50% if they switched to us.
Next Support delivers bespoke IT support services, including Account Management, Onsite and Help desk Support, 24/7 monitoring, cyber security, and ransomware protection. Another client we dealt with almost transferred $250,000 to a cyber criminal that had inserted themselves into a business email chain. We identified the suspicious behaviour and stopped it.
If you have a telecom quality VoIP solution you are likely paying too much for your services. Next Step is breaking the mold by offering transparent pricing and one-time installation fees so you can own your own phone system without breaking the bank. The City Hall of a small town in Central Alberta saved $70,000 over 5 years by switching to our solution.